Our story

Why are we packing up our little family, selling our belongings, and leaving all that is familiar?  The answer is simple. Precious few have what we value above all else.  In fact, they may have never even met someone who has a life-giving relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Prior to marrying Jeremy,  Jamie was a missionary in Spain, helping to establish a program to help survivors of the sex trafficking industry along with providing admin support for the area office. 

After we married, we answered the call of God to help plant Church ONEighty in New London, CT, where we have served together for the past 5 years. Our little ones have helped us pack and unpack bins when we met in a school, and the incredible C180 serve team has certainly become our family.  

In May of 2019, we both felt God calling our family (same night, same service..and He surprised us both!) to commit our lives to His Mission and help plant churches in Southeast Europe.   

Our family is incredibly humbled and excited to be a part of all the amazing things God is doing in Europe! He’s already answered so many prayers in the process of preparing to go.  We can’t wait to get on the ground and begin building bridges so that more secular Europeans can be reached and have the opportunity to know Jesus for themselves.   

Thanks for stopping by… we’d love to share a cup of coffee and tell you more sometime before we leave!  

Until then, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to keep up with the latest happenings as we head to Budapest, Hungary.  Above all, we covet your prayers! This isn’t just ‘Our Story’.  Let’s follow the Spirit’s lead and be part of making His story come true for Europe together!  

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